
Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy

We guarantee to provide accurate descriptions and high-quality product as mentioned in the website.

If product shipped is found damaged, mismatched as described in specifications or faulty then the customer needs to inform within 5 days after receiving the consignment.

The products need to be returned for verification. Furthermore, no warranty will apply if the product has been subject to misuse, static discharge, neglect, accident, modification, or has been pre-used or altered in any way.

Customer have to return the consignment properly and need to send its tracking number, courier service of shipment within defined time period (5 days).

If returned components is considered as valid by our team, then we will ship another same component in 2 working days if somehow we unable to manage delivery we will issue 100 % refund.

Solarbasket.in reserves the right to take the final decision on all refund request.

Due to the nature of the products we are selling and our strict quality policy, we are unable to offer order cancellation and return without valid reason.

Order Cancellation

Only orders that are still in status “Pending” or “Payment Verification” can be altered or cancelled.

If your order has already moved to a different status, you won’t be able to alter it or cancel it.

In some cases Order cancellation may attract 5.5% bank charges depending on the payment methods used by customer.

(It is because most of the payment gateway providers collect their Commission even though order cancelled and refunded)


1. Refunds for the cancelled orders will be processed in 7 working days. In case of any issue contact us on solarbasket.in@gmail.com , 9322529682

2. All other refunds will be processed in 7 days after the verification and resolution if issue regarding the refund.

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